Scott's Soapbox

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Some things I like

Great jazz pictures: Like hockey, jazz works best live. You can see the emotion coming through here.

This t-shirt. No, sorry, we do not have to tolerate people who act like this.

Jonah Goldberg's timewasters from The Corner: Illusion, sand, mysterious picture.

This speech where Al Franken sticks it to Ann Coulter.

People who are prescient.

Although Robert Wright (see above) is much more liberal than I am, I am hooked on it's like being at a cocktail party where smart people discuss the issues of the day. I miss Chris Suellentrop at Slate.

I might be the only person who LOVES Larry David's Curb Your Enthusiasm and HATED Seinfeld. I know, I know. But it's true. You know what else was terrible- Friends. I feel vindicated by the lack of success of all the cast members after those shows ended. I think the guy who played Kramer made my sandwich the other day at Panera.


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