Another Way the Bushies are Keeping Americans Safe
By dropping the amount of food inspections by 47 percent in the last 4 years. Also, FDA statistics show that safety tests for U.S.-produced food have dropped nearly 75 percent, from a high of 9,748 in 2003 to 2,455 last year. Despite recent food outbreaks, sickening and killing Americans, the administration has requested a budget which, while an increase, is called inadequate to fix an understaffed and overstretched agency.
I know this seems to be small potatoes. Heh. But it illustrates a basic philosophy of the Bush theory of government in cutting regulations when saftey can be compromised. Look at environmental regulations, the increase of acceptable mercury levels, and so forth. The traditional way of looking at the Democrats is that they've never seen something they couldn't regulate while the Republicans let businesses take care of itself. This is that philosophy carried to an extreme, where safety seems to be being compromised.
I know this seems to be small potatoes. Heh. But it illustrates a basic philosophy of the Bush theory of government in cutting regulations when saftey can be compromised. Look at environmental regulations, the increase of acceptable mercury levels, and so forth. The traditional way of looking at the Democrats is that they've never seen something they couldn't regulate while the Republicans let businesses take care of itself. This is that philosophy carried to an extreme, where safety seems to be being compromised.
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