Scott's Soapbox

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Day 3

8:28 - Rev. Al Sharpton is screaming right now. I mean screaming! I hope no swing voter is watching, because he is scaring me. Where is his trademark humor? Where are the one-liners?

8:30 - Sharpton is talking about slavery reparations- oh no!

8:31 - Whew, he is just making an allegory. Thank God. What is he doing!? Someone on the John Kerry staff should give him the hook.

8:40 - O'Reilly has some boring newspaper guys on telling him how great his Michael Moore interview was last night.

8:41 - Chris Mattews just nailed Sharpton- "this does them no good at all." You said it, brother.

8:46 - Bob Graham from Florida is up now, but is not on TV anywhere. One of the VP finalists, senator, ran for president. Bumped on MSNBC for actor Steve Busemi (Resevoir Dogs, The Sopranos).

8:50 - Graham has good words but little passion for them. It is hard to give a serious defensive policy speech after Al Sharpton just gave such a barn-burner out there. No oxygen left for Graham, who is waiting for applause that does not materialize.

8:52 - Graham just referred to the Bush policy in fighting terrorism as not looking for "Osama Been Forgotten." LOL. I can't believe Al Sharpton never used that in his great "Missing Persons" riff in the primaries!

8:53 - Steve Busemi has more makeup on his cheeks than anyone I think I have ever dated.

9:01 - Zell Miller just mentioned how liberal Kerry and Edwards are and said twice "these two men have long voting records." But I thought Edwards did not even finish his first term as a senator, and thus was not experienced enough to be president? Someone clarify the Republican talking points.

9:24 - General Wesley Clark (who I supported) is now on CNN with panel- hooray!

9:28 - Clark has finally learned that great skill of answering the question you wish you had been asked. Larry King asked him if he wished he had been chosen for vice president. "I'm very glad John Kerry picked John Edwards. I think he is the right man for the ticket and the right man for the country." Uh-huh.

9:31 - Jennifer Granholm from Michigan does not say much in her speech, but I still like her a lot.

9:36 - They just showed George McGovern, Walter Mondale, and Mike Dukakis for something called "A Tribute to Losers." Boy, does the Duke look like Howard Dean! Unbelievable. I wonder if all New England governors look like that. Same button-down collar blue shirt and everything.

9:40 - Joe Biden on CNN. Boy, what a good, statesmanlike senator he is. Kind of a Democratic John McCain. What a ticket those two would be.

9:41 - Jack Kemp is on Fox wearing a sweater tied around his shoulders. Apparently, it is 1985. What up, yuppie!

9:45 - Biden just said Clinton wanted fellow panelist George Mitchell to be on the Supreme Court, but Mitchell turned it down. Did we know that? Biden is now apologized if he should not have said that.

9:52 - Nice black and white video of military leaders for Kerry- looks like would be a good ad.

10:10 - Bill Kristol is "shocked by the militarism of the Democratic party"- sorry, you guys do not have a monopoly on patriotism.

10:11 - Edwards older daughter Kate is on, she looks just like a typical Southern debutante. Out of 1960s. But in a good way, like someone you might try to "go steady with" and pick her up to go to the malt shop.


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