Scott's Soapbox

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Finally Here

Please everyone, get out and vote. Vote your conscience, vote for who believe can make the best of the next four years. Do not let anyone stop you- this is America at its best.

Remember whenever it is over, we have only one president at a time- do not let the wounds fester, let them heal. Let us unify behind our winner as one people and do the work only our nation can do.

I wish our country could stand in the world for what we are known for: freedom, equality, possibilities. Let us all let America stand as an example for the world as we have been for so many that dreamed of freedom. Let all who came here dreaming of a better life be enriched and enobled by our purpose. Let us shine forth as a beacon of democracy and hope.

Oh, and vote for Kerry...I am!


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