Scott's Soapbox

Saturday, May 14, 2005

In Case You Didn't Know: Pat Robertson is Nuts

Yep, certifiably crazy.

On This Week with George Stephanopoulos (no, I did not spell that right the first time), Pat came on and had some interesting things to say:

STEPANOPOULOS: Sir you have described this [judges/filiabuster issue] whole battle in pretty apocalyptic terms saying the "liberals are engaged in an all out assault on Christianity. The Democrats will appoint judges who do not share our Christian values and will dismantle our Christian culture and that the "out of control judicary" is the most serious threat that America has faced in nearly 400 years. More serious then al-Qaeda, more serious then Nazi Germany and Japan. More serious then the civil war?

ROBERTSON: George I really believe that. I think that they are destroying the fabric that holds our nation together. There's an assault on marriage. There's an assault on human sexuality as judge Scalia said, "They've taken sides in the culture war." And on top of that, if we have a democracy that the democratic processes should be that we elect representatives who will share our point of view putting both those things into law.

A few seconds later Stepanopoulos interrupts Robertson:

STEPANOPOULOS: But sir, let me just stop you there. How can you say that these judges are a more serious threat then Islamic terrorists who slam into the World Trade Center?

ROBERTSON: It depends on how you look at culture. If you look over the course of a hundred years, I think the gradual erosion of the consensus that's held our country together is probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings. I think we're going to control al Qaeda. I think we're going to get Osama bin Laden. We won in Afghanistan. We won in Iraq, and we can contain that. But if there's an erosion at home, you know, Thomas Jefferson warned about a tyranny of an oligarchy and if we surrender our democracy to the tyranny of an oligarchy, we've made a terrible mistake

Now you can see here, George tried to throw him a line and bail him out, but Pat would not take the rope. Pat instead blasts out about "a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings." I was speechless. Also, did you know that only Christians and Jews should serve as judges? "They have said in the Koran there's a war against all the infidels," he said. "Do you want somebody like that sitting as a judge? I wouldn't." No Muslims allowed. See the whole vile thing here.

He also does faith-healings, has claimed to avert tornadoes and hurricanes via the power of prayer, blamed 9/11 (with Jerry Falwell)on America's growing acceptance of gays, lesbians, and feminists, and is just all-around hateful and full-of-himself.

Daily Kos points out his hypocracy as well:

When asked why God allows bad things to happen to huge numbers of people---specifically, the tsunami that hit Asia in December---Robertson batted it aside, saying, "The reason for that tsunami was the shifting of tectonic plates in the Indian Ocean. I don't think [God] changes the magma in volcanoes and I don't think he changes the wind currents to bring about hurricanes. So, I don't attribute that to God..."

Which got us to thinking about this little comment he made about God's wrath on June 6, 1998: "I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those [rainbow] flags in God's face if I were you... But a condition like [Gay Day at Disney World] will bring about the destruction of your nation. It'll bring about...earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor."

But never a tsunami. That would be silly.


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