Scott's Soapbox

Friday, November 10, 2006

Lincoln Chaffee, RINO no longer?

For years, very moderate Republican senator Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island has been regarded as a RINO (Republican In Name Only) by many republicans. Pre-election, Franklin Foer, the editor of TNR sugessted, in a piece called "Linc bats his eyelashes" giving a first hand report of one voter who Chafee had told that he might not be a Republican for much longer. Many of the commenters thought this was just pre-election posturing. Well this morning the news broke that the now defeated Chafee is considering making the switch after all. From MSNBC:

“I haven’t made any decisions. I just haven’t even thought about where my place is,” Chafee said at a news conference. When pressed on whether his comments indicated he might leave the GOP, he replied: “That’s fair.”

Come on in Lincoln, the water's lovely.


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