Scott's Soapbox

Friday, April 01, 2005

Um...What? I read this Headline Twice.

And it still says:

Mich. Church Slammed for 'Porn Weekend'

The story might not be quite what you think, but still. Any AP story which includes the paragraph:

Porter said Wally the Wiener, a 25-foot penis, is not an appropriate teaching tool. Nor is it right to advise children that "God kills a kitten every time you masturbate," he said.

The site uses the kitty analogy, it says, in a lighthearted manner. It recommends teens should e-mail each other to keep a lid on raging hormones. "Ask your buds if they killed any kittens this week," the site advises.

Your jaw just dropped, right? Mine did. Then I thought- there seem to be an awful lot of kittens still around if that's true. Hmmm....


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