Scott's Soapbox

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas to All

To Travis Marcus, a 14-year old boy whose life has been saved by a heart transplant. He gets to go home and help make cookies with his sisters this year...Merry Christmas.

To David Letterman, who is in a war zone for the third time in four years taping his show. He opened with the line, "Anybody here from out of town?" To all celebrities who give their time on a USO tour, to all citizens who donate their money, time, or energy on the home front to help our troops- Merry Christmas.

To anyone who this holiday season has helped another, performed an unselfish act, gave up a parking space, helped push a car (my car) through the ice and snow, Merry Christmas.

To my family, who I am together with this year for the first time in a number of years- it has been wonderful just sitting around together being a family. Merry Christmas.

To all who are serving and protecting us, whether that be here in the States or far abroad, you are in our thoughts and prayers this day. We all want you home and safe back here with your families as soon as possible. Merry Christmas.


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