Scott's Soapbox

Friday, January 19, 2007

Bush's Approval Rating

Look at this graph of Bush's approval ratings over time. It's astonishing in its' clarity. When you view the similar graphs for our various presidents throughout history, they all go up and down and back again as time moves on. Except for George W. Bush. Bush hovered around 50% until 9-11-2001, when of course he took a dramatic surge, reaching the highest approval number (92%!) ever recorded. We, as a nation, rallied around our president and were ready to support any new direction he took us. After that, as the results of his policies became clear, it is a straight downward trend, unlike any other president. The trend comparable to others is quite dramatic- never before (at least since modern polling) have qwe had a president so convincingly repudiated by his people. It's a sad thing for him, and for the country, so have such a weak president. And no change appears to be in sight- right now, the RCP average has him at 36.6% approve, 60% disapprove and he's been stuck around there for quite some time.


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