Scott's Soapbox

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What's Beside the Bed

Someone asked me what books I was reading right now (I have a huge stack from the library) so here goes:


Bob Woodward's State Of Denial *just finished*
Andrew Sullivan's The Conservative Soul *my blogging hero*


Richard Russo's Empire Falls *I actually watched the miniseries first and decided I wanted go back and read the novel, I a barely into it but it is exsquite so far*


Robin Hobb's Forest Mage *This is book 2 in "Soldier's Son" series and that first one was my favorite of her's so far*
Mercedes Lackey's Aerie *Book 4 of the "Dragon Jousters" series which are as charming and light and escapist as can be*

I just recently finished (and highly recommend) Ron Suskind's The One Percent Doctrine which gives a great inside look into our intelligence operations in the War on Terror.

Of course every week an issue of my New Republic arrives and I read that at lunch normally over a cup of coffee. A few articles alone in the past few weeks have been worth my yearly subscription- Thomas Frank's "Shadow Capital"; John Judis' McCain profile and a series of really interesting articles regarding the Constitution and Electoral College. It's nice to balance out the quick reads I get from the newspapers and blogs with the longer and more centrist view of TNR.

So there you have it.


  • Fun to be back on your blog, Scott! We have missed you on the Stuart Family Site, and then I noticed the banner across the top inviting us to your blog! Aha! Once again, I am in contact with my cool nephew! You were missed at the reunion AND on the family site! Love and hugs!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:34 AM  

  • Where did my comment go? Just a moment ago, I published a comment stating how much you have been missed on the Stuart site AND at the family reunion. It seems to have vanished into cyberspace! I will try to get this one to post! Love and hugs....again!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:35 AM  

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