Scott's Soapbox

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Repost: The False Hope That is Hillary Clinton

Well, Hillary has finally (surprise, surprise) thrown her hat into the Presidential ring today. This seems like a good time to re-post some very prescient commentary by me from back in November, 2004. I'm still right- she still can't win. My line on this has not changed - McCain 53, Hillary 38 would be a good betting line for 2008.

Michelle Cottle wrote a good article in this week's New Republic about the prospects for Hillary in '08. She agrees with me- it would be doom for the Democrats? Why?

Well, let's see- one of the main hurdles as we have all seen is for the Democrats to be comfortable talking about values in a way middle America can understand and relate to. So, I present Hillary, who said back in 1992 (during her husband's campaign!) “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas," she told reporters. "But what I decided to do was fulfill my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life." Wow, great, tell off stay-at-home moms. When Bill's infidelity came out yet one more time, she said "I'm not some Tammy Wynette standing by my man." Hope folks do not like country music either. Seriously, is their anyone more "blue state" than an uppity female lawyer from New York? Or Illinois? Or Arkansas? Or wherever she moves to to run?

Oh, and her last name is Clinton- Bill is, as we all know, both uniformly popular and ethically clean as a whistle. (Honestly, and I said this back in 1998- she should have left him, been openly hurt that he could do this to her after far so long and come back as her own woman. What if Hillary had, instead of raving about a "vast right-wing conspiracy" trying to drag them down- which is true, but not my point- she had broken down and cried on Katie Couric's shoulder. Her numbers would have gone through the roof and she would have appeared strong. I like Hillary a lot, but if she could never once stand up to Bill, how could she win a war.) She carries so much baggage- some of it her's, some not. Her 1993 health plan was certainly a rousing success as it flew unaltered through Congress.

Michelle estimates that "At minimum, Hillary starts with some 40 percent of the country dead-set against her." I disagree- she has at least 50 percent of the country against her. She has alienated many in her rise to power, and left few friends behind. Now, do not get me wrong- I think Hillary is smart, tough, and has been a good Senator who has served New York well. But then again, I am an elite, East Coast liberal. I am not who the Democrats need to convince. For those that are, Hillary is not the answer.


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