Scott's Soapbox

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Jim Webb Vs. Condi Rice

You may remember that back on Jan. 11th, Jim Webb asked Condi Rice the following question about Iran:
"Is it the position of this administration that it possesses the authority to take unilateral action against Iran in the absence of a direct threat without congressional approval?"
That statement unpacks to mean "Do the administration think it can attack Iran just because you want to for any old reason at all? Or would you need to come back to Congress first?" Condi demurred (which is understandable in open session) but promised to get back to Webb in writing with an answer and explanation. This is both a pertinent question right now given the situation in Iraq and the seeming absence of diplomatic activity when it comes to Iran as well as a broader question concerning the limits of presidential power.

Well, two weeks have passed without a response from Rice, so Jim Webb has fired off a letter demanding an answer to his question.

Dear Secretary Rice:

During your appearance before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on January 11, 2007, I asked you a question pertaining to the administration’s policy regarding possible military action against Iran. I asked, “Is it the position of this administration that it possesses the authority to take unilateral action against Iran, in the absence of a direct threat, without congressional approval?”

At that time you were loath to discuss questions of presidential authority, but you committed to provide a written answer. Since I have not yet received a reply, the purpose of this letter is to reiterate my interest in your response.

This is, basically, a “yes” or “no” question regarding an urgent matter affecting our nation’s foreign policy. Remarks made by members of this administration strongly suggest that the administration wrongly believes that the 2002 joint resolution authorizing use of force in Iraq can be applied in other instances, such as in the case of Iran. I, as well as the American people, would benefit by fully understanding the administration’s unequivocal response.

I would appreciate your expeditious reply and look forward to discussing this issue with you in the near future.


James Webb
United States Senator

Times sure have changed for the Bush administration now that the Democrats are in the majority, haven't they? Congress seems to have woken up and remembered that part of its role is oversight of the executive branch- and not a moment too soon.


  • Chris-

    Are you suggesting that the Administration is going to send up a Resolution asking for power to attack Iran even in the absence of any direct threat. With no further consideration by Congress? This would never pass, and I think would look like a dramatic over-reach by Bush.

    The responsibility argument is a tired one. 6 years of a Republican president, with both houses controlled by Republicans and still the burden is on the Democrats always. Where's the "era of personal responsibility" here? They Dems are in charge now, let's see what gets done. Then feel free to hold them accountable.

    By Blogger Scott L. Stuart, at 8:20 PM  

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