Scott's Soapbox

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

General Clark versus Sean Hannity

Okay, I'm biased. He was my candidate all along. I find his story inspiring, his miliatry background unimpeachable, and his personality would make a great commander in chief.

Sean Hannity on Fox just said John Kerry had a "wimpy" record on defense. Clark and he talked around each other for awhile, neither one letting the other talk. Hannity went on and on about weapons systems Kerry had "voted" to cancel, that form the basis or our army today. Of course, the basis of our army is the brave men and women in it. Anyway, Clark, who actually knows a little bit about the Army having been in it for 34 years, mentioned Dick Cheney supported these cuts as well. Question: after the Soviet Union fell, did we really need more MX missles? So Hanniny goes on about Kerry and says he is weak. Clark says in college, Kerry played hockey and Bush was a cheerleader. I laughed so hard I cannot even tell you! Hannity gets all offended, and wants Clark to apologize to men who our cheerleaders.

Okay, Clark was over the top. But Sean Hannity is simply a hypocritical asshole who is beneath contempt. Besides lying and parroting talking points, he is just worthless. When will he apologize for the things he says - Hannity is all offended by someone making fun of cheerleaders, yet is book is entitled Deliver Us From Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism. His official Fox News bio says he is "known for his provocative style." Uh-huh. Also, he lies. A lot.


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