Scott's Soapbox

Monday, March 05, 2007

TNR Follow-Up

So literally the day after I wrote this post asking why, as a subscriber, they had not notified me about the upcoming changes, I got my latest issue. With a big overlay telling me about The "NEW" New Republic- better paper stock, more original art and photography, larger issues, et cetera. It also says my price has not changed. But, if I paid for a year which was 44 issues and now I am getting 24 issues, isn't my price going up? Maybe not per page, but certainly per issue. (Incidentally, the subscription insert enclosed in my magazine had the usual offer for "one-year (44 issues)" at $39.97.)

They also linked via The Plank to the article I had mentioned about the ownership changes and so forth, although I never got a response to my letter. Hopefully, it will all be addressed soon, but I am a little put off by the lack of communication. If their goal is to rebuild readership and gain new subscribers, honking me off probably does not help much.


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