8:51 - Laura Bush is wearing what appears to be a burlap sack.
9:02 - Let the games begin!
9:03 - They are wearing the exact same outfit, same tie and everything. Kerry wins for best knot. Also, Bush's suit is striped and does not look as good as Kerry's.
9:06 - Kerry hit first question out of the park. Bush just lied. He just said he never said he didn't care about Osama bin Laden.
9:08 - Flu vaccine question? Bush was not prepared for this one. And why should he? This is a second question? Screw you, economy, jobs, health care...wow. Is he serious- Bush did not get a flu shot? (Carter says put on a sweater.) Seriously, what the hell is he talking about. Kerry moved it to health care- he answered the question he wishs he was asked. Kerry uses Blue Cross/Blue Shield- wow, this is getting absurd. Me too! Hooray for Kerry, wow, who cares.
9:14 - Kerry kills Bush on the economy and fiscal matters. Bush just to me has no credibility on this issue to me.
9:19 - Bush would tell someone who lost their job to someone overseas, here's an education. Here's a Pell Grant.
9:20 - Kerry lost all momentum with Tony Soprano joke. He had opportunity to bury Bush there, swing and a miss.
9:21 - Are Kerry's hands shaking? Does he need a drink or something- oh no, that's the other senator from Massachusetts. Bush- "Wooo!" (I'm a cowboy!) Jobs...Bush mentioned the tax marriage penalty. He has no concept that anyone has lost their job. He is so out of touch. Disadvantage of being the pres. Bush's saying Kennedy is the conservative sena
9:26 - Wow, tough question on homosexuality. Bush does great job in answering homosexual question about choice. "I don't know". Who does? Even sounds good on gay marriage. Kerry is fumbling this. Oh my, this is terrible.
9:29 - Kerry is starting terribly on abortion/Catholicim question, but rescues himself. Bush is very solid here- culture of life is a great turn of phrase. Bush wins.
9:33 - Bush's laugh infuriates me...heh, heh, heh. He is blowing this question right now. What is his plan to make it better? Still waiting. Kerry is much better on this. Saving himself. I wonder how much of his reluctance to talk about his religiosity is from being a New Englander?
9:37 - Kerry defends his health plan. America, you choose. Home run on health care! This stuff about every person getting as good health care as legislators is a great line. Also, mentioned small businesses to avoid scaring them. Bush makes bad joke again. Let's quote the Luwen (sp?) report. I read a lot- never heard of it. Maybe Bush does not listen to Kerry- there is no need to choose.
9:44 - Bush is 2 for 2 in pronouncing strategy- kudos. Does Bush have any credibility on medical expenses after his administration lied about their plan. No.
9:46 - Laura's tea is ready.
9:52 - Illegal immigration- have not heard anything about this yet. Bush wants to treat people "humanely," and give them all "Guest worker" cards to work here. Kerry is tougher on immigration than Bush is.
9:58 - Minimum wage questionis fastball right over tha plate for Kerry and he doesn't miss. Bush answer is to increase education. I guess so we can avoid minimum wage jobs and have them be filled by "guest workers." This might help someone in say, junior high or lower, but what about an already struggling worker trying to feed their family but are stuck working at a minimum wage job? They can't just quit, get a Pell grant and go to school. There is a case to be made that raising the minimum wage would hurt small businesses, slow down job growth, and cost jobs. Why doesn't Bush make it?
10:03 - Kerry makes too many "gut" references. Kerry does okay with National Guard question, but not great.
10:07 - Bush just flat out lied again about what Kerry said. Kerry says "guts" again. Just me, or does Kerry look tired. Bush is getting stronger, Kerry weaker right now.
10:08 - Bush on assualt weapons ban...prosecute offenders, but need no more laws. Kerry, keep assault weapons ban. Yawn. They both gave canned answers, exactly what we have all heard a million times before.
10:11 - Wow, affirmative action question. Never heard this all year. Kerry I think takes the right tone of regrettably we still need it. Necessary evil. Bush goes back to education, education, education. He has no answer to this- why? He did great in Texas with so many hispanics, he has a fairly diverse administration. Bush is very good personally in this, and I credit him for that, but he has no answer for this.
10:15 - Bush's question about religion he does a great job, obviously something he cares about. "Armies of Compassion" reminds me of 1000 points of light. He did just say that God wants people to be free and that is part of his foreign policy. That kind of scared me. Kerry is sleepwalking again. His right eye seems closed. Making me sleepy? Maybe he is hypnotising me...vote Kerry, vote Kerry...
10:19 - Kerry makes good case, but he seems so sleepy and out-of-it. Maybe he needs a cup of coffee or something? Can he call a timeout and regroup? Bush says this is his biggest dissapointment. He is running as a Washington outsider while already president. Good position.
10:23 - Bush gets good laughs about his wife. Stand straight and scowl..is funny. Story is so human, classic backyard bbq story. Kerry also gets laugh about Teresa's money. Kerry is okay, but just cannot compete with how good Bush was here.
10:25 - idear, idear, idear- so New England. Dean is even worse.
10:27 - First Vietnam reference of the night by Kerry. Both closing statements were lousy. Neither one made a difference.
10:31 - Overall, borrring. Maybe I am just tired of this stuff, maybe I have seen to many ads already, but I needed something interesting. I think Bush wins barely.
10:34 - Someone on MSNBC just said this was a "civil, substantive" debate. By which he means- boring.